Thank you for your generous monetary donation in support of Every1ne Hawaii’s Masks4allHawaii campaign, making it possible to distribute 2 million non-surgical masks to vulnerable communities throughout the State of Hawaii. For IRS tax purposes, this letter serves as acknowledgement that no goods or services were received in exchange for your contribution. Some or all of your donation may be tax deductible.
Mahalo for supporting our grassroots effort to stop the spread of COVID-19!
With appreciation and aloha,
Duane Kurisu
President, aio Foundation
Every1ne Hawaii’s Masks4allHawaii is a program under the aio Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Tax ID # 94-3278794. Please keep this letter as a receipt for your records; consult your tax advisor regarding the tax-deductible nature of your contribution.
aio Foundation | 1000 Bishop Street, Suite 202 | Honolulu, HI 96813